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All Age Services

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Here are some we did earlier. (These services took place before Covid restrictions came into place.)
harvest 2017
We brought in items to symbolise the things we are thankful for and placed them into a cross to remind us to thank Jesus for saving us. Among other things, we thanked God for our health, friends and family, our homes, our freedom and having a comfortable place to sleep. We also prayed for those who are not so fortunate and do not have them.
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Reflection on the Lord's Prayer and what it means. As we prayed, we held in our hands a colourful bead, and then we took them up to the altar to be threaded together with the others. In worship we not only give to God, but we also receive from Him. After our beads had been left on the altar, we took a small bag containing a promise from God.
We used shoes to symbolise our prayers: for those returning to school; to give thanks for holidays and times refreshment; for refugees; for those affected by floods; for people who are housebound, isolated or ill; and for everyone who will be travelling or going to work.
Matthew 7:24-27 The wise man built his house upon the rock. We labelled boxes with all the things that are important in our lives: friends; food; pets; music; arts; creativity; nature; health; water; warm beds and many more. Then we stacked them up to make a tower and found that the tower only stood firm when we put the big box labelled 'God' at the bottom and built the others on top of it.......
Adults and young people joined in a creative interpretation of Mark 4 35-41. We learned that Jesus can offer calm in even the most violent storms and that all we need to do is put our hand in his and he will protect us.
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The handprints remind us that although we are all different, we are all one family. "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."
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Creative Church worship with Year 4 of Wybunbury Delves school and their families and friends. Our theme was Psalm 150, and we praised God with words, music, singing and dancing. Our worship band led us in praise with all kinds of instruments and our prayer station helped us to pray for ourselves, our loved ones and other communities
prayer basket
Celebrating Mothering Sunday. We heard the story of Moses and reflected on those whose love and sacrifice has shaped our own lives – weaving their names into our prayer basket. Our prayer stations represented Thanks, Tears and Hope and our Daffodil/Marigolds reminded us that love can often mean doing difficult or unpleasant things for people we care about. March 2018
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Thinking about the importance of water in Jesus’ time and in our time. Water is important for our bodies and physical life. It is also important in faith life. Water is used at baptism as a reminder of God’s love, and Jesus described himself as “living water.” In Jesus' culture water was a very rich symbol. There are many Scriptures that speak of God's provision of water as evidence of his grace and as an image of his gift of life in his presence. We wrote our prayers on paper people or hearts and put them into our 'stream of life'.
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Pumpkin Prayer by Liz Curtis Higgs. (taking the top off the pumpkin) Lord, open my mind so I can learn new things about you. (removing the yucky innards) Remove the things in my life that don't please you and that stop me making the world a better place. Forgive the wrong things I do, and help me to forgive others. (taking the seeds out) Help me to recognise the seeds of good in my life – the things that are good and can help others. (cutting out the eyes) Open my eyes to see the beauty you've made in the world around me. (cutting out the nose) I'm sorry for the times I've turned my nose up at the good food you provide. (cutting out the mouth) Let everything I say please you. (cutting out a heart at the back) Lord may your love be at the centre of all I am. (lighting the candle) Lord, help me show your light and love to others through the things I do. Amen.

Where We Are

St Chad's Church
Main Road, Wybunbury
Cheshire, CW5 7SB
(Car park and entrance in Church Way)
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The Parish of St. Chad's, Wybunbury, is part of a United Benifice with St. James', Audlem, and St John's, Doddington
© 2025 – Registered Charity No. 1142234